Top of the Cops
or the Body in the Library...
or the Body in the Library...
Who would win the vote for your favourite fictional detective?
We've put on our thinking caps (or deerstalkers) and come up with our Top Ten fictional detectives (click on the names for details of the books) :
- Jackson Brodie
- Inspector Brunetti
- Sherlock Holmes
- Miss Marple
- Inspector Morse
- Hercule Poirot
- Madame Ramotswe
- Lisbet Salander
- Matthew Shardlake
- Wallander
But we’ve had to leave out lots of other Top Cops too, including :
So when you find a Body in the Library – who you gonna call?
We’d love to hear what you think - join in the debate by clicking on 'comments' below. Let us know who's your favourite. It's elementary my dear Watson!